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Annual Tax Conference (ROI) 2022

Date & time: 01 December 2022 09:30 – 13:30

The 2022 version of our popular Annual Tax Conference focuses on the key tax issues impacting accountants and other tax professionals in 2022. The conference will include high profile speakers from various tax sectors.



Time: Topic: Speaker Company:
9:30 – 9:35 Opening remarks Joe Carroll Chartered Accountants Ireland
9:35 – 10:00 International and EU tax reform Sarah Meredith Grant Thornton
Finnian O’Sullivan Grant Thornton
10:00 – 10:10 Q and A
10:10 – 10:40 1.      Preparing for yearend (e.g. preparation of PAYE Settlement Agreements, ensuring payroll reporting is accurate and up-to-date)
2.      SARP – extension to the relief to 2025 and the changes to the qualifying conditions
3.      Company car BIK changes coming into effect on 1 January 2023
Jamie Fortune Vialto
Clara Flynn Vialto
10:40 – 10:50 Q and A
10.50 to 11.15  Crypto Tax Brian Murphy Grant Thornton
11:15 – 11:25 Q and A
11:25 – 11:40 Coffee Break
11:40 – 12:05 Overview of Finance Bill 2022 Gearoid O’Sullivan Chartered Accountants Ireland
12:05 – 12:15 Q and A
12:15 – 12:40 Tax Appeals Commission Conor Kennedy Kennedy Tax Mediation & Litigation
12:40 – 12:50 Tax Appeals Commission Conor Kennedy Kennedy Tax Mediation & Litigation
12:50 – 13:10 CGT reliefs for business sale – 8 client cases Maura Ginty Gintax
13:10 – 13:25 Panel Discussion Conor Kennedy Kennedy Tax Mediation & Litigation
Maura Ginty Gintax
Gearoid O’Sullivan Chartered Accountants Ireland
13:25 – 13:30 Closing remarks Maura Ginty Gintax


Conor Kennedy

Conor specialises exclusively in the area of taxation having worked in KPMG, PwC and as a specialist tax barrister based in the Law Library. In June 2017, he was appointed as a Tax Appeals Commissioner by the Minister for Finance, Mr Michael Noonan with the exclusive task of resolving the legacy type appeals. As a quasi-judiciary decision maker, he was required to resolve taxation disputes by the application of complicated legislation to a varied array of complex commercial transactions.

Gearóid O’Sullivan

Gearóid is the Tax Manager at Chartered Accountants Ireland. Gearóid’s areas of expertise are corporate and capital taxes. He previously worked in practice with PwC, having trained with KPMG in their Dublin offices and having worked for a time with Moore in Cork City also.

Sarah Meredith

Sarah is a Tax Director at Grant Thornton Ireland.

Finnian O’Sullivan

Finnian is a Manager at Grant Thornton Ireland. He is part of Grant Thornton Ireland’s FDI (foreign direct investment) team and is involved in providing tax consulting and compliance services to both international and domestic groups of various sizes.

Maura Ginty

Maura set up her own tax advisory practice Gintax in February 2020. Maura works with clients nationwide and also other accountants, solicitors for specialist queries and she is a Chartered Accountant and Member of Irish Tax Institute and prior to setup had spent 16 years in KPMG.

Clara Flynn

Clara is a Senior Tax Manager at Vialto Partners, specialising in Employment Tax and Global Mobility.

Brian Murphy

Brian is a Partner in the Financial Services Tax practice for Grant Thornton. Brian provides tax advice to a diverse portfolio of organizations, including international and domestic banking institutions, asset managers, private equity institutions, investors, treasury operations, fin tech operations, non-traditional banking sector and other financial services sector clients.



Over the course of the day, attendees will receive high impact technical updates and professional and commercial insights, with separate streams for practitioners and members in business where relevant. High profile speakers, who work day-to-day in the specialist field, lead each session focusing on practical matters.

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CPD Blitz 2022 (ROI) - Online